Thursday 19 March 2009

On the magic of sunshine

I dunno. You spend most of the year plashing about in the cold wind and rain, praying for some sun and then, when it comes, all you can think of is 'Blimey, it's hot'. Or is it just me?
This lunchtime found me back out in my rep field, moving my rep stones from wall to fence post as I dutifully did my 8x400m (ish) reps. It was such a beautiful day, but my heart wasn't in it (though that's not my heart monitor was telling me!). It was a day for some lovely long, easy trot over the gorgeous countryside (I was thinking 'Kentmere round'), not reps all hot, sweaty and dehydrated. And then I thought of all those runners who were trapped in offices and workplaces, desperate to get out and I thanked my lucky stars and got on with it. Which is probably why reps 7 and 8 were the quickest. And why I'm going to give the session a smile rating of 8/10. It's amazing what a bit of sunshine will do.

1 comment:

  1. i know where i'd have rather been hayfella..and it wasnt where i was at the time!
