Wednesday 7 October 2009

Time to get real

I came to a major decision on my River Loop today. I've decided not to go for the Highland Fling next year.
It's a question of time; the amount of time taken up running and the amount of time required for the long runs. I guess I just don't want to commit to 4 hour+ runs on a weekend. So I'm scaling back my ultra ambitions and am going to refocus on doing more frequent, shorter events next year. More local, smaller-scale fell races for example. That way I can make my long runs a maximum of, say, 2 hours and combine them with shorter midweek runs, speed sessions, hills etc. It also gives me time to train by not running, something I'm getting increasingly interested in. I'm going to bike more. Gym more. Swim more. Mix it up. Find the fun.
I didn't expect to have such a major think on the run today. It was too beautiful a day for all that soul-searching! It just happened. After yesterday's rain the river was much bigger than just a couple of days ago. The sheep were just as dumb though, but it's getting into tupping time. So the rams are getting interested and the ewes, wary. I ran OK, with the last vestiges of my cold trying to climb out of my lungs, and the air was wonderfully crisp.
Smiley rating 7/10


  1. fun is where it's at..i'll run to that

  2. hay there hayfella, been meaning to look at your blog for a seems a popular topic at the moment-how to fit long runs in around life. mmmmm...more biking sounds good though ;)
